• Task: Spotlight stats for the player of the game 
  • Parameters: Stay true to brand, but make it "scream" Gatorade 

Building off of our 2021 Motion Branding focused around our 75th Anniversary look, I created this asset to maintain the "vintage" and "headline" parameters that the package was built on.

The player image uses halftone and crushed blacks to play up the newspaper like vintage feel.

I went into Photoshop and created hand-drawn elements that mimicked what you'd see as editor's notes that helps drive the animation while maintaining eye trace, and also created a drawn on Gatorade lightning bolt to reinforce the partnership element.

This asset is created to be flexible. Expression driven capabilities create an asset that can be adjusted on the fly with each post so the content remains fresh over the course of the season.

Copyright © Justin Peterson

Sports Motion Design

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