I built the piece to reflect our 5x5 parquet pattern to fit into our overall motion branding: Celtics 2019-20 Motion Branding
First, I started with the 5-part parquet, and laid out the alternating pieces into a cube in C4D since this was going to be a square execution. I rotated the cube, and animated the 5 pieces on to reinforce the energy and movement as it rotated.
Next, I added the 2D animated elements. I used the vertical parquet pieces to motivate the movement and spacing for how I animated the transitional elements on and laid out the stats text. I wanted to use the horizontal parquet pieces for the stats because of the natural spacing and separation the lines provided between the text.
Lastly, I needed that "scream" element. I felt like I needed a transitional element that was consistent, so I leveraged the Gatorade lightning bolt and layered a couple copies offset in time to give it an infinity zoom feel to reinforce the players impact on the game and make it a quick in your face element.